【同义词辨析】 2020-06-19 正确correct-right

correct: usually implies freedom from fault or error: socially ~ dress.       (fault缺点不足implies a failure, not necessarily culpable, to reach some standard of perfection没有达到完美标准,不一定是过错,如a woman of many virtues and few faults有许多美德少许缺点,如my worst fault is impatience我最大的缺点是没有耐心,he was generous to a fault他慷慨过头了)   error表示严重错误

accurate: implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercising care: an ~ description of the whole situation.   词根CUR表示care细心照料关心,本词accurate准确的字面意思是"去细心照料", 同根词有curator博物馆动物园管理员,cure治疗,sinecure闲职,拉丁中sine表示without,sinecure字面意思是without care) (fidelity表示faithfulness可信忠诚, Hi-Fi是high-fidelity高保真的缩写,表示重放声音图像与原来的声音图像高度相似。来自词根FID信心信任=faith, trust,如semper fidelis是美国海军陆战队marine corps座右铭,意思是always faithful永远忠诚,affidavit证词宣誓书)  

exact: stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth: a suit tailored to ~ measurements.     强调完全符合一致,又如an exact copy一模一样的副本,an exact account准确详实的说明,to be exact准确来说,an exact science严谨的科学,an exact manager一丝不苟的经理,the exact cause of the fire is unknown火灾具体原因还不知道,he is the exact opposite of his father他和父亲恰恰相反

precise: adds to exact an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation: the ~ terms of the contract.   (precise和accurate的最大区别是,accurate描述"一次测量a measurement",如an accurate result准确结果,如an accurate description准确描述;而precise描述"测量系统a measurement system",如a precision instrument精密仪器,精准扶贫/精准施策/精确的语言/精确的定义等都应该用precision)

nice: stresses great, sometimes excessive, precision and delicacy of action, adjustment, or discrimination: makes ~ distinctions between freedom and licence.  delicate精致微妙灵巧脆弱implies exquisiteness, subtlety or frailty,如the play's delicate charm was lost on screen荧幕上体现不出剧本的精致美妙魅力,如精致微妙的微笑味道语言等

right: is close to correct but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault: the ~ thing to do.

correct正确: 表示没有过错缺点,accurate准确: 指符合事实真相,需要细心,exact准确: 强调完全符合事实标准真相(very strict agreement),precise精确: 强调定义定界清晰锐利,nice精细: 表示细致细微,right正确: 和correct相同,但正面强调符合事实真理,而非仅仅无缺点过错

记忆方法: 1)首字母CAEPNR可以想成CAR汽车PEN钢笔,或想成CARPEN(ter)木工<==正确

        2)正确的意思是符合事实标准真理mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth.